
Oslo Interactive English offers a wide range of exercises suitable for undergraduate students of English. One of the aims is to encourage students to interactively work with the English language in their own time while at the same time acquiring skills in corpus linguistics. The exercises focus on themes relevant to undergraduate courses at the University of Oslo.

Before you start it is strongly recommended that you familiarise yourself both with the nature of the exercises and the corpus method. You also need a username and password to use the corpus.

The exercises follow a certain pattern explained in the Guidelines below.

The main tool offered to solve the exercises is the OIE Corpus. A corpus is a searchable collection of texts representing language in use. It enables you to observe language in context, and from the context you should be able to solve the exercises. The approach is thus exploratory rather than theoretical in nature. An introduction to the OIE Corpus is given below. Here you will also find guidelines about how to search the corpus.

The Relevant Links page points to resource pages on the Web. The resources include Dictionaries, Thesauruses, Encyclopedia, Grammars, Corpora, Exercises, and Other resources.

Guidelines The Corpus Relevant Links

Last updated 15 January 2018, SOE
© 2004, 2005, 2006-2018 ILOS, University of Oslo