Position of adverbs | #1 | #2 | #3 | #4 | #5 | #6 | #7 | #8 |

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[Position of adverbs #3]
Indicate with numbers (1, 2, 3, etc) in the blanks below to give the position of the adverb in brackets, i.e. choose the most natural position of the adverb in the sentence.

Example: Have you been to Melbourne? (ever) -- Position: [3] (Have [1] you [2] ever [3] been [4] to [5] Melbourne [6]?)

(1) I play badminton on Sundays. (often) -- Position:
(2) Night calls are made in a crisis. (usually) -- Position:
(3) We see him. (hardly ever) -- Position:
(4) This was not so. (always) -- Position:
(5) A small part is concerned with it. (only) -- Position:
(6) Walk! (quickly) -- Position:
(7) They were living in hilly regions. (probably) -- Position:
(8) Nerves were, and are, a problem for Diana. (still) -- Position:
(9) She risked creating bad relations with her employer. (also) -- Position:
(10) What did he do? (actually) -- Position:

Last updated 4 October 2023, SOE
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