Suggested answer:
go followed by an adjective:
...and freedom is like a beautiful kite that can go higher and higher with the breeze.
turn followed by an adjective:
They say she's gonna turn cold tomorrow.
(2) turn differs in meaning from go in the following examples:
...I have undertaken to turn around that trend.
We have turned the tide on child poverty...
In the first example, turn is part of the multi-word verb turn around (the collocate is around) and has the meaning of "change". In the second example, turn is a transitive verb and collocates with the noun tide
go differs in meaning from turn in the following examples:
But I went to high school in White Bear Lake.
We have stepped up security, and for most people, life goes on as normal...
In the first example, go is an intransitive verb requiring an Adverbial (the PP to high school in WBL is its collocate). In the second example, go is part of the multi-word verb go on (on is the collocate) and has the meaning of "continue"
(3) Example of "turning something somewhere":
But we must avoid at all costs turning the election of its President into a partisan wrangle...
go cannot be found in a similar combination since it cannot be used as a transitive verb.
Look up go in a dictionary to find out about its transitivity patterns
Terminology: transitivity, collocation, and copular verb